UUCG serves the community by engaging in long-term UU-sponsored service projects such as Cancer Services of Eastern NC and Community Crossroads Center.

In 2011-2012, UU members chose the development of a program to serve those living with cancer as its service project. Since then, UUs established a Board of Directors, served three terms as president, and aided the transition to a community-based program and Board in 2013. Eventually, these efforts led to the opening in 2018 of Cancer Services of Eastern NC. UUCG continues its commitment with regular financial contributions and fund raisers. This nonprofit organization now has an executive director and offers resources, education and assistance to cancer patients and their family members and friends—all fully explained at Cancer Services of Eastern North Carolina.

The “Shelter Action Group,” another UUCG ongoing service project, helps the Community Crossroads Center provide temporary accommodations for homeless individuals. In the past, UUCG members donated critical items to the Shelter’s daily needs and volunteered to check in residents for the evening. In 2011 Mothers’ Day UUCG provided a rose and personalized card for each woman resident. During the pandemic, the congregation continued to support the Shelter with monetary donations.

Pre-COVID, UUs in Greenville supported these efforts during or following Sunday services:

  • Several times a year, members participate in Adopt a City Street project by cleaning Oakmont Drive, the street on which UUCG is located, after a Sunday Service. All families are invited to participate. Lunch follows the clean-up.
  • Each fall UUCG members, friends and youth along with other faith communities participate in Greenville’s CROP Walk, walking to raise funds for local food banks.

During COVID, UUs continued to support these efforts with donations: